I am an educator, mom, partner, Korean transracial adoptee, wanna-be baker, and midwest transplant from Southern California. I served in higher education for 24 years, 17 of which were focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). In 2018 I transitioned to independent consulting because I wanted to impact change at an organizational level.
I lead through the lens of compassion - for the communities I am advocating with and for the learner within all of us who is trying to be a better human but needs grace in the journey.
I approach my work with humility. I am an educator who continues to learn.
Empathy is my superpower.
I believe in the capacity for humans to evolve.
I believe that we can hold people accountable without stripping them of their dignity.
There is power in storytelling.
Leadership is more than a position.
My liberation is tied to yours, and yours is tied to mine.
I want to open doors to information, resources, and opportunities to impact change.
“Dialogue cannot exist without humility.”
– Paulo Freire